How to Retweet a Message in Twitter (from the web)
How do u retweet from a laptop?
Updated January 21, 2010
To retweet a Twitter message from the web, start by copying the twitter message and username who posted the message.
Paste the twitter message into the "What are you doing?" box and then add "RT @" to the beginning of the tweet. Now hit the update button to retweet the message.
Here's what the new Retweet feature looks like in Twitter's BETA when someone retweets. People who don't have this yet will see your retweets prefaced by "RT".
Many people using applications on their phone to access Twitter, have built in "Retweet" buttons, which make it easy to retweet a message posted by someone else. However, if you use the Twitter website interface, they currently do not have a "Retweet" button that let's you easily retweet a message.
But don't fret because it's actually quite easy to retweet a message from the web-interface of Twitter, it just involves copying the message you want to retweet and pasting it into the "What are you doing?" text box. Then adding "RT @" to the beginning of the message, and clicking the "update" button to retweet the message.
If this still sounds a bit difficult, here are the steps involved in retweeting a Twitter message from the web.
- Go to on the web, and login to your user account.
- Copy the message you want to retweet along with the username who posted the message (username is at the beginning of message).
- Now go to: (if you aren't already on your twitter home page).
- In the "What are you doing?" text box, paste the message that you just copied (along with the person's username) into the text box. (Add a space after the username and the beginning of the message).
- Then append the following text "RT @", to the beginning of the message.
- Now just click the "Update" button to retweet the message.
- That's it.
* Note: When you paste the username and message into the "What are you doing?" textbox, you may have to add a space between the end of the username and the beginning of the message. Take a look at the following, you would need to add a space after the murph918:
murph918how do u retweet from a laptop?
So to retweet properly, your tweet should look similiar to this before clicking the 'update' button to retweet the message:
RT @murph918 how do u retweet from a laptop?
UPDATE 9/18/2009: It looks like Twitter may soon be updating their site to make retweeting much easier. Soon you should just be able to click a 'retweet' button on the website in order to quickly retweet a message. They are also expected to add other retweet features so you can see who else retweeted the same message.