How to Find out who Favorited your Tweets

Who is favoriting my tweets on Twitter?
by Updated June 26, 2010

So are you wondering who favorites your tweets from twitter, or who favorited the same tweets as you favorited? Well there's actually a few cool favorite sites that you can use to discover who is favoriting your tweets.  It can be pretty interesting and useful to see who is favoriting your tweets and which tweets that you and others are also favoriting.   

The two sites that I've come across and used to track favorited tweets are and They both make it easy to find out who is favoriting your tweets. Both sites use Twitter's Open Authorization, so you don't have to enter your username and password to sign in, and also both have RSS feeds available as well if you would like an easy way to get updates using RSS reader. 

  1. - I like Favotter the BEST for getting information on my favorited tweets.  As compared to other sites I've come across, Favotter seems to have a more accurate system for keeping track of favorited tweets, since they crawl twitter users hourly for favorited tweets. They also have more ways to sort favorited data, such as by number of favs.   You can also find out people how have favorited your tweets, who else favorited the same favorites as you, as well as favored and favorite tweets of the people you are following.  The site is still a little buggy, but overall it gets the job done for finding favorited tweets!
  2. - Favstar has a nice looking design, and also has a notification feature that you can turn on or off to notify you when your tweets have received 3 favorites.  They also have more notification features available if you pay for the bonus featues with a 6 month or 12 month subscription.

By using these two sites, you should be able to get a good idea of who is favouriting your tweets or favored the same tweets as you.  This can help you find other twitter users to follow or just see what tweets people like of yours!




anonymous by Shirley on 10/15/2010
Sorry, but whenever I checked, it always appeared "Sorry, myfavotter is unavaiable now"
anonymous by Joe on 10/15/2010
Those links are garbage and there a waste of time to look at
anonymous by katelin on 8/1/2011
favotter doesn't work in english anymore and favstar only shows a portion of your favorited tweets, not current or past, in the middle.

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